Common symbols and terms used in the measurement of compressed air volumes
M3/Min = Cubic metres per minute
M3/Hr = Cubic metres per hour
L/S = Litres per second
L/Min = Litres per minute
To convert from Metric Measurement to C.F.M use the following factors:
M3/Min x 35.32 = C.F.M.
M3/Hr x 0.589 = C.F.M.
L/S x 2.12 = C.F.M.
L/Min x 0.0353 = C.F.M.
L/S x M/Min x 0.06
L/S x M/Hr x 3.6
To calculate volume of air from kilowatt / Horsepower
KW x 5.2 = C.F.M.
HP x 4.2 = C.F.M.
To calculate number of AMPS drawn by electrical motors (Indication Only)
A) 380 volt supply KW x 2 = AMPS
B) 525 volt supply KW x 1.8 = AMPS
To calculate starting AMPS
A) Star Delta AMPS x 3
B) Direct on load AMPS x 6